
Showing posts from September, 2020

How to think POSITIVE all the time

  Our mindset decides who are we going to be in the future because as per that mindset we start our journey. Our thoughts follow that path which we show to them. Consider your life as a ship having your thoughts as the captain of that ship and your subconscious mind as the driver of that ship. As the captain decides where will the ship go and according to that driver runs the machinery which moves the ship in that direction. Equivalent to that our thoughts decide where will our life go and according to that our subconscious mind treats our body so as to put the efforts to reach the destination which our thoughts have decided. We are not knowing the power of the subconscious mind. It has the ability to make things happen in real life as we have thought.     Let me give you an example. Let's say you want to read one famous book which has been written by a great writer. But the problem is that there is only one copy left of it and that is also in another country. Your relati...