How to think POSITIVE all the time

 Our mindset decides who are we going to be in the future because as per that mindset we start our journey. Our thoughts follow that path which we show to them. Consider your life as a ship having your thoughts as the captain of that ship and your subconscious mind as the driver of that ship. As the captain decides where will the ship go and according to that driver runs the machinery which moves the ship in that direction. Equivalent to that our thoughts decide where will our life go and according to that our subconscious mind treats our body so as to put the efforts to reach the destination which our thoughts have decided. We are not knowing the power of the subconscious mind. It has the ability to make things happen in real life as we have thought.
    Let me give you an example. Let's say you want to read one famous book which has been written by a great writer. But the problem is that there is only one copy left of it and that is also in another country. Your relative is in that country. 
Now here comes the twist. If you want that book then definitely you will think about that book from the bottom of your mind. And in deep your subconscious mind will start thinking how that book will come to your place. And surprisingly the journey of the book towards you will start. Let's consider one of the possibilities. It may happen that the relative of yours will somehow get that book from someone as a gift or anything. And then somehow it will reach to you. And to be honest this is a real-life example.

    The reason behind sharing this example is your thoughts are responsible for whatever happens in your life. If your thoughts are positive enough then you can achieve anything you want, you will get succeed. Your future must have to bring you to the topmost position that is what we call as "SUCCESS". But on the contrary, if you are thinking like a loser or you are having negative thoughts in your mind constantly, then your progress will stop itself over there and you won't get success in your life.

    We know that like-minded people come together and that's what happens with the negative minded people also. Your mindset decides with whom you are going to be with. Being a positive minded person allows you to be a more productive and solution-oriented person and it also helps you to achieve whatever you are thinking to achieve. You will surround yourself with only positive-minded people only. So those vibes will be beneficial for you to get succeed. On the other hand, if you are a negative minded person, then you will get surrounded by the People who are having a negative mindset like you. So obviously your growth graph will be having a negative slope only.

    So to get succeed don't focus on both positive and negative aspects. Just focus on the positive side of a negative thing also. Because being a positive-minded person is one of the most important things to achieve anything.



  1. This is just soo fab. I am loving these blogs. Please keep writing and motivating us. Hope this reaches to many and like me people also get the kick to the absence in their lives

    1. That's so nice of you Yukta. I am very happy that you loved this blog. I will write more blogs in future so you guys can take benefit of that. Thank You!

  2. That's Amazing! Excited to read more! Keep writing!

    1. Thank you Sharvari for the compliment. Definitely I will write blogs so as to keep your excitement up to the mark. Thank You!

  3. Te way you have explained is really appreciated. Every guy who will read this blog will change his/ her attitude towards life. Keep doing such motivational blogs.

  4. Replies
    1. thanks my friend. I'll keep adding new blogs so as to make your life easier.

  5. Very motivating messege given by you ...

    1. Thanks Prasad. Hope you will read my upcoming blogs too. Thank You.


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